If you ask me, i would say the CIA got the guy. Call it conspiracy theory all you want, but i have seen to many movies, and read to many books to think his death was out of natural causes. He has been a threat to the west for a while now, and all of a sudden....Sorry, back to the real purpose of this post. Yeah, Lil Kim is still alive. But, personally, i think people were teasing her with that being dead story. More like they were implying that her career was dead. I am a big fan of Kim's music, so i wont support that. But, i do have to admit that Nicki Minaj has the head female rap category on lock down right now. But you have to look at it this way. Kim has been doing her thing for 15 years, and still is relevant, so for her to even still be around is a big achievement.
This is Nicki's time...but Kim is not Dead. Anyway, read more on the news below-
Questions such as: "Is Lil Kim dead??" and "Lil Kim's dead? Is there any truth to this?" Yes, in the wake of the passing of Kim Jong Il, some Twitter users seemingly believe that the female rapper Lil' Kim had died instead. BuzzFeed has compiled a list of 25 such people. For the record, she did not. But we should have expected this sort of thing. Of course, a visit to a search engine could have cleared up any confusion, as it did for this person: "I searched online. You guys are wrong. Lil Kim's alive." Other Twitter users began referring to Kim Jong Il as Lil' Kim on the social network site, perhaps because of his size or as a sign of disrespect. (Mother Jones once compared the two figures.) (The Washington Post)
The Lil Kim death confusion reportedly stemmed from cultural critic N'Gai Croal.
Croal tweeted "RIP, Lil' Kim" after news of Jong Il's death emerged, prompting countless other to spread the rumor that the Brooklyn female rapper famous for "Lady Marmalade" had died. However, they must have missed the part where Croal tweeted an article announcing the death of Jong Il with the suspected flub. Shortly after, Lil' Kim became a trending topic on Twitter and other social media Web sites, with fans wondering if Kim had died. (International Business Times)
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