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Model City Polish Swatches

You guys - I am finding myself lurking all over etsy and storevny lately and just wishing that I was rich! It's bad. I mean, I would eat ramen noodles for the rest of my life if I could just own ALL the indies. It's blown up into Smeagol-like proportions. I am obsessed. Luckily, I'm also poor, so I have been picking and choosing and hitting the sales. The ladies (and gents!) who make the plethora of indie polishes are just so important to the nail blogging community. They give us something that the big companies can't. Lots of somethings. Like personalized notes and extras in each package, like quick professional responses to emails that aren't generated by a computer, like discount codes, and blogger specials, and other specials. Like offering minis that actual have enough polish in them to paint BOTH hands. Like sponsoring giveaways. I could go on, but I will stop. I just have to say that I have been blown away by all of my dealings with the indie polish makers I have dealt with so far, and this one was no exception.

Just look at these pretties! I love me some glitter, and some purples and teals. Squeeeee! It all came packaged up so nicely with a personalized handwritten note from Nina, a sucker (which I will save for an emergency), and fimo (which I have never used, but now I have an excuse to try it). Look at how nice it looked in this pretty little bag.

Ok, on to the swatching! First up, we have Itty Bitty Bikini. This is a purple jelly packed with bright blue and purple hex glitters, bright pink square glitters, and tiny purple and holographic glitters. I pretty much love it. The formula was great too. It went on very smoothly considering how much glitter was in there and there was no fishing required.

Next, is Cool Waters. This is a teal jelly with dense glitter including bright blue hex glitter, neon green square glitter, and tiny bright green ad holographic glitter. It is pretty much a teal version of the polish above, so therefore it is perfect too. :)

And last, but not least, is Marionberry Cream. This is a pale lavender crelly with lavender and pearly white hex glitters and tiny purple glitters. This polish was super smooth too. It required very minor fishing, but not much. And it's purple, so I lurve it. :P

I loved my experience with Model City polish and I already have set my sights on her newest collection which is Disney Princess themed! EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee! I love Disney! I may have already ordered the set in minis. Whoopsie. So, I will probably be scrimping and saving and possibly selling a kidney to continue on my quest of owning all of the indie polish I am jonesing for. Wish me luck!

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