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Combo: Oh Christmas Tree

Hello there!!! Merry Christmas eve one and all!!! I had this on Christmas Day last year. OPI - Rainbow Connection was the first OPI I'd ever got. It came in the mail on Christmas Eve and I was excited. I only bought it for the name, but also because it's rainbow glitter (and you can't go wrong with that).

This isn't a picture of my nails last year, I didn't have enough insight to do that at the time. I started with 2 coats of Barry M - Mint Green and 2 coats of OPI - Rainbow Connection. It's somewhat reminiscent, I loved it last year. I think I was also excited cause it was my first OPI. Unfortunately I didn't get the greatest pictures, but I hope you can kind of get the gist of it :P

There's lots of rainbow glitters out there. But Rainbow Connection is an absolutely beautiful song, therefore justifying the purchase further :P I've been using Rainbow Connection quite a lot during this festive season, it just makes me want to bust out the rainbow glitter.