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Hey guys, sorry for no post. I haven't had much time on the computer recently; the weekend should have been spent on moving rooms but Saturday and 70% of Sunday was spent cooking, eating and shopping! As a result I've spent this week sorting and tidying and moving a heck of a lot of stuff I can't even remember purchasing! 
Anyways recently I was sent some Playboy nail polishes to review. I haven't tried Playboy nail polishes before and haven't really heard a lot about them so I was intrigued. The colours I received are the colours you'd probably associate with Playboy, ie. very pink, gold and of course glitter! 
I got Hot Violet* which is a purple toned neon pink which is actually a unique colour in my stash! It applies beautifully and covers in 2 lovely coats. The other colour I got was Billionaire* which looks like a plain gold glitter in the bottle however when I swatched this I realised it actually contains gold flakes too which again makes the nail polish unique in my stash. 
I decided to use both colours in a glitter gradient, which I haven't done in a while, I started with 2 coats of Hot Violet on all the nails and then used Billionaire to do the gradient starting from the tips (I have a tutorial here if you want to see how I do my glitter gradients). On my ring finger I used these Chevron Nail Vinyls from She Sells Seashells

  These are actually quite beautiful nail polishes which I think often get overlooked. You can buy these online in many different places for roughly £2.50 - £4.00 depending on where you look, so these are definitely affordable and worth the money. 
Have you tried Playboy nail polish before? 

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