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First half of the year

Back? Back. Baaack! (Yes, you see correct:))

Like Schwarzi, I'm back! This time I hope for real. I can't believe it's been so long! The first part of the year is... poof! Gone. Disappeared. And I'm like: ''Whaaat? When?'' Crazy how time flies. CRAZY! :) Nevertheless, last month I received some sweet emails and they also motivated me to start writing this blog again. Of course it was always in the back of mind and I miss(ed) it and wanted it... I'm not saying I'll be posting everyday but on regular basis for sure. I miss sharing my enthusiasm with you! :)

This first year was definitely crazy busy but of course I had amazing time as well! If you follow me on Instagram and Twitter I'm sure you know these things, if not here is all in one :)

- In February me and my better half went on Queen + Adam Lambert concert in München! If you know me than you already hear my scream and high peach voice! I love Queen band and I love Adam so I was just over the moon to hear them both. Adam has the best live vocals I have ever heard and to see and hear Brian May was just f... amazing! And the whole show, the stage, tributes and memorials to Freddie Mercury, the unreal light(show)... Nothing like I've ever seen. Incredible! So happy and grateful for this evening!


And yes, Brian made me cry like a baby...

At the moment I'm (quite) obsessed with Snow Patrol. I listened to them before but never that much. Can't wait to see them live. Hopefully soon!

- I got my first glasses for driving. Still feels weird. But I see better :)

- Because of work I don't have time for regular manicures. At first it felt so oddly and my friends thought there is something seriously wrong with me. Ha! Can you believe that unpainted nails were the indicator for them and that they actually thought that something must be wrong :)

- Our friends got hitched and we both had same role. My love was the best man and I was the maid of honor. How cool is that? And like at last year's weeding - it was unconventional. Loved it!

- No need to say I still love tv series and movies. Yes, I wish I was at Comic-Con in San Diego right now. I will make post about films and tv shows for sure. More than one :) Gosh, I'm still sad about Top Gear :'(

- Food. This past weekend we discovered a great fish restaurant. Omnomnom. Of course I had to publish a review on Tripadvisor - click.

- Exercise. It's a must because I feel like crap if I don't do anything at all! I'm not as good as last year but I'm trying under the circumstances...

- Animals. I miss more interaction with animals...

- Nature. Medicine for my soul! Just give me sea, forests and stars and life is good again! Maybe a change from digital world would be good for me. For my eyes for sure...

This is all I can think of right now. Well not all but I could write for two more hours :)

I'm looking forward to hear from you. How are you? What's new? Hope you're good and happy and enjoying summer! Thanks for reading and bye for now ;)

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