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So its been a while since I had a Dreadful diary entry! Here goes then....I am sick. I have some form of tummy bug which is making me feel very very dizzy and sick. Of course, there is very little to actually do in my house because of the lack of internet and the lack of anyone around.
I am stuck in bed with no books, very bad internet (which is the reason for the seriously slow posting), no magazines and no help. I'm very badly dizzy whenever I get up which is why I crawled back into bed after my lecture at about 1.

I had such a great time last night and thank god I was allowed to be sick today and not yesterday. The boy got sick yesterday and today it's my turn. I was doing the make-up for a fashion show which was great - I will share the photos with you as soon as I possibly can and give you a bit of an inside into what went on. I will say however, it was so great to see so many alternative girls with tattoos, piercings and brightly colored hair. I miss my purple hair so badly but still, it was nice to be back doing make-up and I have to say - I really really enjoyed it.

For now though.....I am trying to stop feeling so bad. I'm gonna keep this brief!

However just a quick note to mention that the internet here is extremely bad. I am in the process of deciding if it is worth fighting for or are the things that are wrong with the place just too much and is it worth moving out? Who knows......

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