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This is BIG BIG NEWS. Again, this is sort of topless. She's a model. That's what they do. When I owned a tanning salon models would come in all the time, and they'd practically walk into the lobby naked. They just didn't care. It's their job, it doesn't even phase them, and it's mostly something that doesn't even cross their minds. Not like those nudist weirdos, those people are sick freaks,  it's a different attitude than that. It's all just part of the gig. Like being a mechanic. You're going to smash a finger now and then so you accept it, and models are naked sometimes, it's just the way it is.  So I have no idea why anyone would think this was a big deal. Women have boobs congratulations you noticed. But I admit, naming this post NAOMI CAMPBELL TOPLESS doesn't hurt either. And who am I kidding I would click on it

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